Tag Archives: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Review: Edvard Munch @ SFMOMA


SFMOMA is simply gorgeous with large open spaces and lots of natural light.  Having now worked at a museum for over two years, I understand the fascination with becoming like SFMOMA.  If only …

The Munch exhibit Between the Bed and the Clock featured over 40 paintings.  All of them emotional and intense.  Weeks later, I’m still grappling with some of the more uncomfortable works dealing with death and great sadness.  Of course, about all I knew about him before this exhibit was The Scream which has a weakened impact since becoming an icon of pop culture, even having its own emoji.

Reading the catalogue helped me some.

An Icon of Emotion – article from SFMOMA

He was constantly drawn to the theatrical, the imaginary, the fantastic. Birth, death, love, and conflict, for instance, and tensions between male and female. This artist was not one to separate art from life.

A couple of my favorites:

http://www.nasjonalmuseet.no/filestore/Samlinger_og_forskning/Edvard_Munch_i_Nasjonalgalleriet/Natt_i_St_Cloud_1890/NG.M.01111.jpg     Night in St. Cloud (1893)








http://munchmuseet.no/assets/ekely/_952x535_fit_center-center_75/M0032_20160226.jpgStarry Night (1922-24)

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Van Gogh’s Starry Night is one of my favorite paintings.  Van Gogh and Munch were contemporaries.



