Let’s pretend for a few minutes that I actually have time and energy to write an application for Atlas Obscura’s First Journey. $15,000US to go anywhere and do anything in the world. Where would I go?
Mind you, this is off the top of my head, and is an incomplete list. Of course, I’d visit all the book stores and libraries inbetween! Where would you go?
Niagara Falls at night
Statue of Liberty – I’d have to train in order to walk all 377 steps to the crown
Mount Rushmore at sunrise
I did Haleakala at sunrise and it was spectacular
Powell’s Book Store in Portland
Burning of Zozobra in Santa Fe
New Orleans for the music and the food
The steps outside the Tower of London where Princess Elizabeth I sat in the rain before being imprisoned.
Florence, Italy

The Rock Hewn (Underground) Churches in Lalibela, Ehtiopia
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