Arnold Thackray, David Brock, and Rachel Jones
Title: Moore’s Law
Author: Arnold Thackray, David Brock, and Rachel Jones
Published: 2015
ISBN-13: 9780465055647
Publisher: Basic Books
Publisher’s Blurb: [The silicon transistors’] incredible proliferation has altered the course of human history as dramatically as any political or social revolution. At the heart of it all has been one quiet Californian: Gordon Moore.
What’s Auntie Reading Now? picture
“Gordon was the opposite of a gregarious, people-pleasing middle-child: instead, he was a boy with exceptional concentration and focus, oriented not toward words and emotional engagement, but toward practical results – with or without companions.” (p. 44)
Full disclosure: I usually make it a policy not to review books of people I know. David Brock is a co-worker, and friend, which should instantly be grounds from even considering writing a review. However, Gordon Moore has had such a tremendous impact on the computer industry, it seems unfair not to. His contributions need to be known, and Moore’s Law does a very good job of making them known, and understandable.
Further, I have been dilly-dallying over this review because Moore’s Law covers so much interesting history I’m not sure I can do right by it.
Not only is it the history of Moore, whose family arrived in California in 1847. It’s also the history of computing, computers, and Silicon Valley.
Every decision in Gordon Moore’s life was based on the words “measure, analyze, decide.” He kept notebooks detailing nearly everything; finances, business models, chemical analysis, semiconductor design, everything. In this measurement and analysis, he figured out what came to be known as “Moore’s Law,” making computers faster and more powerful. It’s led to things like the computer in our pockets we call smart phones.
That’s just part of a fascinating life inextricably connected to what’s become Silicon Valley. There’s so much more in Moore’s Law about the lives of those pioneers and revolutionaries whose passion for chemistry, engineering, and physics brought about the devices which connect the universe in creative ways Galileo could only dream of. Gordon Moore led the charge, quietly. Not because he wanted to change the world, but because he was fascinated and saw ways to make money off the now ubiquitous micro-chip.
Thackray, Brock and Jones make the story of this complex man highly readable. For those curious about the roots of modern computing, its effect on our lives, and the biography of the quiet revolutionary who led computers to this point, readers should read Moore’s Law and add it to their library.
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